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Recordings | Groups | Goals | Rules | How to enter | Contact Us | About Us | Publicity Photos Boston | Chicago | Los Angeles | New York | Pacific North West | San Francisco | Mid Atlantic (DC)Serious Fun began in the fall of 1993, under the oft-misspelled and incorrectly remembered name of Vocomotive. In 1998, the group produced its first CD ("Serious Fun") which features its broad range of material: from popular music to jazz standards to TV theme songs to traditional folk, with a few original tunes thrown in for good measure. When assuming their not-so-secret identities, the group’s members work as a romance writer, a teacher, a real estate agent, lawyers, computer analysts, actors and folk rock musicians. Members: Deede Bergeron, Brice Buchanan, Suz Brockmann, Ed Gaffney, Bill Kuhlman, Kathy Lague, Eric Ruben |