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Recordings | Groups | Goals | Rules | How to enter | Contact Us | About Us | Publicity Photos Boston | Chicago | Los Angeles | New York | Pacific North West | San Francisco | Mid Atlantic (DC)Halfway to Midnight is a co-ed band of musical misfits who, having missed the thrill of the a cappella world and desiring an outlet to strengthen our individual instruments, serendipitously found each other in the midst of the great big beautiful Bay Area and begun gathering weekly to share in the blend of our voices together. Our life stories are as varied as our voices yet we find common ground in our love of instrument-free music-making and we truly hope you like what you hear. Members: Scott Adler, Gonzalo Alonso, Alicia Flor, Vivek Saraswat, Michael Barrientos, Shanna Bengtson Contact Halfway to MidnightToxicWhat happens when we get inspired by Alfred Hitchcock movies and mix in our own big band spin on the Britney Spears classic Toxic? You get a crazy new video from your friends at Halfway to Midnight! |